If you have worked in the UK, you may be entitled to a full or part UK State Pension ( you do not have to be a British National ) The younger you are, the better, so do not wait until you are 65 or retired. Act now! It is possible to boost this from a Part UK Pension to a FULL UK Pension for LIFE by utilising voluntary contributions. Working in the UK, you will have paid National Insurance (NI) contributions from age 16 into the State Pension Service. For every year worked, you will have earned 1/35th of the full State Pension when you reach pensionable age. Both men and woman's retirement age are currently 66. And between 2026 and 2028, they will both rise again to 67. The UK State pension, unlike some other countries, is NOT MEANS TESTED.


Even living anywhere in the world, if you have worked in the UK ( you can be of any nationality ) and paid NI contributions for at least three years you can still make voluntary contributions into the UK’s ( heavily subsidised ) Pension Scheme to increase on any entitlements you already achieved before you left the UK. These voluntary contributions may cost as little as £150 a year, under class 2, if you are currently employed (even part-time). Therefore you can increase your UK Pension to your desired income level simply and very cost-effectively.

UK Pension


Here's an example case of how voluntary contributions work...

Mary is 45 years of age, she worked in the UK for 15 years and paid her National Insurance Contributions. She moved overseas and has now settled in Indonesia. To receive a full UK pension she would require 35 years of working credits.

15 Years working in the UK: 15 CREDITS

Mary Qualified to pay voluntary class 2 contributions of 8 years, a lump sum investment of £1,200 which can be paid in installments: 8 CREDITS

Mary still has 12 years to go before reaching pension age and she now qualifies to make 12 annual payments of £150: 12 CREDITS

Mary now has a total of 35 credits which gives her a full state pension of £9,300 per year for the rest of her life


It's easy to put off retirement and pension planning until tomorrow, especially when there's a lot of paperwork and documentation required. And that's where we come in. We make your application and handle all of the forms for you. The sooner you get started the better, while the cheaper class 2 voluntary contributions are still available.


Dealing with pensions and thinking about the future can be stressful and time consuming. That's where we come in. Here are a few of the benefits of using our services.

  1. We'll save the the hassle of trawling through pages of the UK Government website trying to find what you need
  2. We take away the stress by ensuring you are applying for the maximum you are entitled to, at the lowest rate
  3. By using our years of expertise and experience in navigating the system, we will achieve the best possible outcome available to you
  4. We'll keep you updated every step of the way and give you a complete report of the options available to you
  5. With our knowledge of the class 2 application procedure we'll make a tailored application on your behalf
  6. We'll take care of couriering your application direct to the UK
  7. We will help you to achieve the best possible outcome and support you until your application is concluded in a professional, friendly and secure manner


We will prepare an obligation free report on your possible UK State Pension entitlements and how you may be able to improve it. You need to have worked a minimum of 3 years in the UK to have any entitlement. If you think you have then please send the following information on our contact page and we will email you your free report.

  1. Date Of Birth
  2. How many years did you work in the UK?
  3. Married? If yes, did your partner also work in the UK and require information?
  4. Are you presently employed?
  5. Do you know your National Insurance Number?

We will reply with your report with 48 hours.

Please do not hesitate to add any questions you might have

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